updates, coming soon, promises promises (and death)

quick notice here.

first off you’ll notice some changes ’round these parts. things look pretty stripped down, pretty bare. this is all part of a plan.

the approximate fourth incarnation of this blog in as little as 18 months, this time it’s all part of my upgrade and conquer initiative launched several weeks back.

The second incarnation went from the WordPress 1.5 to 2.0 codebase (I can’t even remember the first incarnation!); the third was actually implemented because of a forced downgrade in MySQL databases from switching hosts (a frustrating but necessary maneuver); this fourth incarnation comes with an upgrade to the WordPress 2.3.1 codebase, which has also rendered a huge chunk of some old code obsolete, thus the switch (temporary?) to K2 until I get around to polishing off some ideas and implementing some new features.

compound all of this development with having worked nearly 30 hours between two jobs in the past two days, and you can see I’ve been a little busy. Additionally, in more-depressing news, last Friday morning one of my uncles was fatally shot during a robbery in my hometown of St. Louis, MO. the type of thing one never thinks happening to one’s family, needless to say it’s shook us up. After the news broke Friday, I just sat at home all day, watching movies to get my mind off the idea. It’s not that easy.

There is, of course, a lot to report. More news about the GTA IV mural; some thoughts about Mike Nelson’s A Psychic Vacuum; Halloween; and more. It’ll all come soon, I promise promise.

(okay, not so quick. so be it!)

3 thoughts on “updates, coming soon, promises promises (and death)

  1. This sucks so bad. I rode past there today, because I was trying to visualize the intersection. It’s so close to my house and I pass through there so often. It’s just the fucking worst. Any leads yet?

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