Postcards From the Edge deadline

quick reminder that the Visual Aids 2007 Postcards from the Edge deadline is later this week. Every year this event proves to be one of the most exciting art events in town, and it’s all for a great cause. Every artist should contribute. Details below:

visual aids image

Postcards From the Edge
A Benefit for Visual AIDS

Mark Your Calendars
Three days of events!

Artwork Deadline
Postmark by Friday, November 9, 2007
If you are an artist and would like to participate in this year’s Postcards from the Edge you must postmark your work by Friday, November 9, 2007. (If you have already sent in your postcard, we thank you.) All artwork should be sent directly to:
Visual AIDS
526 West 26th St. #510
New York, NY 10001

click here for Visual Aids site with more info

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