Merry Inbox! 2016 edition

Once again here’s a wee compilation of season greeting cards (both e- and IRL). You can see as time goes on the cards become more corporate (or rather ‘organizational’) and less personal, as every email address becomes a marketing contact. I’m no better, but whoah. I kind of miss that human touch.

Top of the pops no doubt is this actual real-world card I got with pictures of this too-cute family of, let’s call them repeat offenders:

from the Pitts family

from the Pitts family

I <3 this family so much - they're all such wonderful people.

The Long Island City Cultural Alliance sent along a holiday greeting, along with the following Flipagram that cameos yours truly!

from Natalie Bewernitz / Marek Goldowski

from Natalie Bewernitz / Marek Goldowski

New York ComicCon sent over a holiday e-card.

New York ComicCon sent over a holiday e-card.

Healthfirst, my provider-of-choice mandated by the Affordable Care Act, sent along this nice greeting e-card with a stay-healthy memo:


Best wishes for happy holidays and a healthy new year! We look forward to helping you stay healthy in the coming year.

Best wishes for happy holidays and a healthy new year! We look forward to helping you stay healthy in the coming year.

BotFactory, winners of the 2015 MakerCon Launch Pad Competition, sent over this funny seasonal photo of their staff:

unnamed (1)

The Official Web Address for New Yorkers - .nyc - sent over this nice season's greetings.

The Official Web Address for New Yorkers – .nyc – sent over this nice season’s greetings.

Returning champ Alice Mizrachi sent over this attachment, this time with a poem included:


Afropunk - whose mixtapes I've blogged here - sent along this supa-greeting image.

Afropunk – whose mixtapes I’ve blogged here – sent along this supa-greeting image.

Ligorano & Reese sent over this simple but lovely e-card.

Ligorano & Reese sent over this simple but lovely e-card.

Binaural Beats sent over a little flare.

Binaural Beats sent over a little flare.

Heck even evite sent over a card - and I don't even know what I use/d evite for!

Heck even evite sent over a card – and I don’t even know what I use/d evite for!

So I maintain a folder in my inbox where all my subscription emails go to – lists, promos, etc. – and I just opened it for the first time since just before Xmas. There are more ‘holiday greetings’ in that folder from brands and labels than all the e-cards I’ve received over the past decade combined. From startups to retailers I engaged once in an airport or something like this, they’re all wishing me a great Xmas and New Year’s. I can’t screenshot them all, but you get the idea – your inbox too is probably full.

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