2014 was fun. I liked it a lot. But as for the blog, I thought I’d reprise something I did 8 years ago where I posted the ‘merry holidays’ attachments people sent me. Here’s this year’s inbox offerings:

from Alice Mizrachi

from Aya Kakeda, the only repeat customer.

from Shoplocket’s The Blueprint team

from Coalition for Queens

from New York ComicCon (I bought a ticket but missed it this year because I was at the Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire instead)

from Peter Cole (and Fam.)

from Pinshape

from Tamar Hirschl

from Make:!

from I-Park Foundation
and lastly a nice video offering from the New Museum:
All the images were accompanied by a pleasant greeting (if that’s not obvious). You can see an increase towards companies and brands, with artists & makers making up the rest of individually-sent greetings.
Thank you everyone for your wishes and see you in 2015!
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