I thought I’d share the attachments I received this past weekend in my inbox, for the big C-day holiday. Of course there were lots of messages and wishes, but I was particularly delighted with the jpegs a few people sent my way. And so here they are. (Note: I find it particularly intriguing that nearly half of the attachments I received were from people of Japanese heritage; I wasn’t aware that Japanese people were so into the spirit of Christmas, even in the relatively benign gesture of email attachments!)
A.tti IS Superman!!
from my mate John Pitts in St. Louis.
an exchange drawing by Aya Kakeda
collage… of something! by my mate Elaine Arkell in London!
the C-tree in motion, by Kako Ueda
photo by Lukasz Skapski of him and his partner
photo-collage by Naoko Kitamura
photo showing drawing by my mate Robin Footitt from London, in background
Update: missed one, here’s a photo from my mate Karen D’Amico in London
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