Street Tree Census for the borough of Queens | #QNSboro #census #maps #NYC #OpenData #dendrology

In typical NYC fashion the available data is equally concerned with the adjacent building number, but the open data contains valuable info like species, diameter, along with a “condit”ion rating; some obscure data like “FID_1” and “COMMDIST” is also available. See for yourself.


Where I live there are definitely some barren “tree deserts” – I guess those would just be called deserts? Or rather, a concrete jungle.

And I’m also curious about this lone tree in the heart of JFK airport. I’ll look for the next time I take the AirTrain (which I’ll be doing early next month, en route to Maker Faire Bay Area!).


But now for the really juicy bit. Because the data is open, and because it is driven by an accessible database, programmers like Jill Hubley have gone ahead and compiled the data into a beautiful color-coded map where you can drill-down to specific species across all the boroughs quickly:


Simply gorgeous.

[via Jill Hubley]

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