Over a year ago the conversation finally started to emerge in mainstream media about the ridiculous notion of the NFL operating as a non-profit entity:
"The @NFL is a tax-exempt organization, even with a commissioner that makes nearly $30 million dollars a year." http://t.co/FpXjkERUu9
— nick normal (@nicknormal) January 20, 2014
Which at the time was concurrent with the conversations around the NFL’s desire to cover-up all unwanted PR, particularly as it related to misogynist players beating their wives while others were denied equal status for being homosexual:
In just 2:15 Texas sports anchor @dalehansen destroys the argument against gay players in the "non-profit" @NFL: http://t.co/XHGxa8otdW
— nick normal (@nicknormal) February 12, 2014
All of which at the time made me drop a few thoughts:
Glad the @NFL is a non-profit entity; if they had to pay #taxes they might not be able to bring us six hours of pre-game rockin' concerts.
— nick normal (@nicknormal) February 1, 2015
#TomBrady believes in "FairPlay" a digital rights management system that restricts consumer choice: http://t.co/LqyEEmULer Free Data or Die!
— nick normal (@nicknormal) January 22, 2015
Nothing special there, but the longer I sat on the idea, I began to wonder how to weave in a read of the NFL’s non-profit status and acronym specifically with other words and thoughts:
There’s no coNFLict in the National Football League’s #nonprofit status. Heck Goodell’s salary was down nearly 20% in 2014! #NFL #NFLDraft
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
Don’t coNFLate record profits and viewership with success; life at #nonprofit #NFL is tough and there’s no guarantee tomorrow will be a win.
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
The National Football League is coNFLagrant with success, but #nonprofit work is never a guarantee – one mistake and you’re done. #NFLDraft
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
Goodell is surely iNFLuenced by the drive to do the best job possible with limited #nonprofit resources. #LifeIsTough #NFL #NFLDraft
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
The coNFLuence of #nonprofit struggle and limited resources must be what drives Goodell to achieve so much with so little. #NFL #NFLDraft
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
I assume everyone who works at the #NFL eat dry corNFLakes because we all know how tough life on a #nonprofit shoestring budget can be.
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
Goodell is uNFLinching in his pursuit of #nonprofit success – he must truly be a genius to create even $1 in profit. No guarantee. #NFLDraft
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
Goodell is still guiding the uNFLedgling National Football League through dire years of #nonprofit uncertainty & struggle. Good luck #NFL
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
Like most struggling #nonprofit orgs, the #NFL is headquartered on Park Ave in NYC’s Midtown – and we all know how affordable that rent is!
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
The dobsoNFLy’s larva is used as fishing bait; sort of like how Goodell is baited by #nonprofit salary of sweat equity. #NFL #LaborOfLove
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
if Goodell were to lose his #nonprofit job he could always go into the skiNFLick business with those good looks and solid work ethic. #NFL
— nick normal (@nicknormal) April 27, 2015
This isn’t a read of which sport is the best or your or my favorite to watch. The NFL is a problem. Not the game, the NFL. The organization. They’re in crisis mode. Beginning some time ago and over the next few seasons whatever emerges from their organizational impulses will no longer reflect the values the NFL was founded on and which guided them to national prominence (and ultimately, profit, which they’re now singularly guided by).
Lastly, become an adult about the draft:
“because when you discover there are no other adults in the room, that the commissioners and the boxing organizations and the leagues are the money-hungry children, then by process of elimination, you have to become the adult. And we, the reluctant adults, we have to draw a line.”