ship graveyard

Flux Factory are currently searching for a boat, vessel, ship, container-thing, a hull on water – ANYTHING THAT FLOATS! – for a future (imminent really) ‘shipwreck’ project.

while our efforts haven’t been too fruitful yet (we’re having a meeting this afternoon to discuss plans, including contingency plans), someone did manage to track down the following:

ship graveyard 1

ship graveyard 2

ship graveyard 3

ship graveyard 4

Yeah, in Staten Island. There’s a ‘ship graveyard’. Reminded me of just how incredible NYC can be. There are all these perceptions of what does and doesn’t exist here – this definitely being in the ‘does not’ category. Ask anybody if they thought there was a graveyard of expired sea vessels in NYC territory and I’m sure the more-likely answer would be No. But there it is. In all it’s rusting and decaying glory!

See for yourself: images from Google Maps.

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