not a sore throat, but

for about two days now I’ve had this bubble of sorts in my throat. I don’t quite remember when it developed, but suddenly it was there. I knew it wasn’t an illness; my health is good, getting solid sleep, and have been eating well. So… it’s not a sore throat. Well, then, what is it?

As I prepared dinner this evening, I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts and then it hit me: the St. Louis Cardinals are one game away from going to the World Series!! The bubble in my throat is nervousness. And wouldn’t you know they’re playing in my borough, Queens, against the Mets.

In the ‘best of 3’ series (after being tied 2-2) they won the first, in St. Louis, then lost the second last night but put up a great fight in the 9th; they’re now playing for keeps, and are tied 1-1 in the beginning of the third.


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