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fat lipstick

every Wednesday next month will feature some select movies screened out at Flux Factory, likely in our Lounge (I don’t suspect the weather will stay nice for the Roof), as part of my roomie François’ programme Fat Lipstick. here’s what he has to say:

Here’s the guideline for this one-month long film program: bad taste, saturated levels of color, heavy make-up, cartoonish characters, theatrical violence, domineeringly psychosexual women, larger than life pop art settings, & a healthy disregard for all forms of authority: religious/moral, legal, political, and last but not least, the authority of the established aesthetic tradition! And yes, you can bring your mum: there’ll be make-up for everyone!

I’ll put up reminder posts with more specific info as each event nears but if you want to pencil these in your books now, here’s what will be featured:

Wed. Nov. 7, 2007 at 9pm
terrifying girls
Terrifying Girls’ High School: Lynch Law Classroom (1973) by Norifumi Suzuki

Wed. Nov. 14, 07 at 9pm
female trouble
Female Trouble (1974) by John Waters, Pope of Trash & Prince of Puke

Wed. Nov. 21, 2007 at 9pm
Andy Warhol’s Bad (1977)

Wed. Nov. 28, 2007 at 9pm
Double “Fat” Features Night
Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (1979) by The Fellini of the sex-industry Russ Meyer
Show Girls (1995) by Paul Verhoeven Worst Director and Worst Picture of The 16th Annual RAZZIE Awards

I’ll be absent from the first screening unfortunately because I will be attending (as in, working) that month’s dorkbot-nyc meeting, but will hopefully be available for all the other screenings. especially looking forward to the closing night double-feature; I’ve never seen Show Girls but it sounds so good by how terrible everybody says it is, and as for Ultravixens, it’s Meyer at his finest and anything with Kitten Natividad is bound to titillate! Especially with François and company!

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