Another friend of mine is in a show, probably a short-lived show since they’re borrowing someone else’s studio to showcase their work in. I fear with ‘SinG’ in the title that some vocals may be involved, and knowing H.G. and Rob I wouldn’t put it past them. Regardless, here’s their… press… release?
Our show is this Saturday 11/11, from 6-9pm.
It would be great if you would come.At Mamiko’s studio: 87 3rd Ave, btwn Bergen and Dean, BROOKLYN!,+Brooklyn,+NYSubways:
A, C, G to Hoyt;
F to Bergen;
2, 3, 4, 5, M, N, Q, R, W, B, D to Atlantic,+brooklyn,+NYyours, ours
H.G. & Rob
Rob & H.G.
hey, thats my neighborhood. afterparty at my house!!!