now THAT is a drywall job!

Spotted in DUMBO, Brooklyn – this is probably the most pro drywall job I have ever seen! It’s also a bit of an overkill – such a giant warehouse to park that little car in! Hopefully they’ll actually make use of the ceiling height, otherwise they should only paint as high as they need, and that would be a waste of an awesome drywall job!

One thought on “now THAT is a drywall job!

  1. Great picture! I have done a few commercial jobs that had rock that high in it. It does look impressive in person.

    Your picture is a commercial warehouse. The may or may not be finishing it. My guess is that they will finish the rock out. It is taped and 2nd coated. If they were going to not finish it, it would have only been fire-taped (no 2nd coat).

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