This is perfectly timed! I love it when this cultural overlap happens!
I have no clue who Anya Hindmarch is. I reckon she’s some fancy designer. Some of her bags go for £995, or $1986 at current conversion rates. Either way, her website says:
Sainsbury’s launched I’m Not A Plastic Bag in 450 stores on the 25th April. Due to overwhelming demand all stock has now sold out.
It goes on to say:
The first day, Friday 27 April, will see Sainsbury’s become the first major UK supermarket to stop giving out free disposable carrier bags in its stores.
That’s TODAY people!
Yesterday I just sent off my proof for a book I’m self-publishing, a collection of plastic carrier bags. I’ve been hinting at this work (here, here and here) for many months and finally now it is going to happen!
Sainsbury’s of course, going way back, were one of the first inspirations behind me starting to collect plastic carrier bags (see below, first image, last column, fourth row!), exactly because they had these ‘bags for life’ programs. It got me thinking. I started hording and saving bags without knowing what I would do with them.
Now my bags will be published in a full-color full-bleed book. More details on how to purchase that will come soon, but this book will be a monster, at around 340 pages in the first of hopefully many volumes to come.
Yay!! So exciting! 🙂 Congrats darlin’! How’ve you been? Beijos.
hey Pri! I’m bout to send you an email!