
to Budapest and beyond.

I admit, I’m getting a bit nervous. And I can’t really figure out why. But I’ve bitten down all my nails, I’ve paced around, and am drinking coffee to keep my nerves lit up while I try and sort out all that needs yet to be done.

There are still hordes of emails to send, a few people to call, and plenty to double-check.

I’m doing some last-minute laundry as I write, but still need to go buy some clothes and other supplies for this trip (I reckon some new Calvin Klein, and socks, lots of socks).

I secured a subletter so that’s good. I was a bit uncertain about that process, since I’ve never sublet my room, ever. I’m not so worried about someone being in my space as I am about inundating that person with all my crap! I mean I have a lot of shit. I’ve cleaned once (to show them the space) but have since turned the place into a working studio again, so need to do a final cleaning before I depart. My subletter is a very mature lady, 32, American but has been living in Europe for nearly a decade, relaxed and just needs a place to call home for a month while she searches for her own apartment. So it’s perfect because she’s low maintenance and already has her own business to tend to. As expected I offered the room for cheaper than I pay, since I really hate negotiating prices on something so necessary – shelter – and would rather offer a deal to secure someone than have to go out of my way to hunt for that extra $100. So be it.

Some torrents are nearly finished downloading. Not that I expect to have lots of down-time on this trip, but should I, a few movies to watch to pass the time. The difficult part has been not watching them this past week when I had the opportunity, to not spoil my own entertainment!

Need to clear some space off my hard drive to make way for the hordes of photos I’m about to take, while in the back of my head I wonder about the blunder that is my recently failed hard drive (which was supposed to be taken with me, and provide all the space I needed), and worry about how much that will cost me to repair when I return. I mean it is dead! Digital death is soooooo strange.

Getting in touch? I set up a skype account today.

I’m using all my vacation time – all seven whopping days – for this trip, and taking many days without pay. I’m reminded in other countries there is more support for artists and working people.

This trip is half-work and half-fun. The fun part I still haven’t sorted out yet, and not sure when I will. I guess that’s half the fun!

I still need to take a shower!

I still need to go to the bank! (or can I do that when I return, so I know I’ll have some funds to fall back on? Ouch…)

Blimey… not enough time to finish this post. More soon, from an island in the Danube!

Other thoughts:

I’m getting out just in time – perhaps when I arrive back Long Island will be like a 28 Weeks Later quarantine zone.

Bodega the movie – the Economy: Fucked the Fuck Up.

some wonderful Alice illustrations.

more disaster awareness: earthquakes

3 thoughts on “countdown

  1. Glad you liked the Alice illustrations.

    Good luck with the trip. You really don’t need shoes and socks in Budapest, it’s barefoot-friendly 😀


  2. thanks Liam!
    yeah, a couple hours here and I quickly realized this and a few other of my preparatory needs are baseless! However, I do need a watch (to keep track of what time the pubs open, that is).


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