(in no particular order)
- I went the long way knowing I might miss the train, because I like to be reminded of where I live.
- Accidentally treated a stranger poorly, and they weren’t appreciative when I apologized – three times.
- Finally bought a proper day-planner – it’s the odd-one out and it’s what works best for me. Coincidence?
- I thought of a girl without consequence – but I thought of her and I liked that. (I thought of her smile and her eyes)
- I need to throw away those shoes – and buy some new pairs.
- Told my boss I was occupied with work already, and that I would be occupied for a while – they asked if I could do more. No, I’m already busy I said.
- Of course I like working with a situation where I don’t know the outcome beforehand. It’s like a medium.
- One of my projects has some faults – I need to think that through a little further. And afterwards push myself a little further to really test my own limits with the project.
- Bought one taco from the Taco Truck on Queens Boulevard – I love those guys!
- Yes! There’s hot water in the shower tonight!
- Do laundry.
- Some women just don’t like to do manual labour.
- There’s still a class war, I’m sure of it. (‘if I see something I like, I buy it’)
- I need to take a driving trip soon, not sure where though.
- Need to recharge my mp3 player’s battery.
- Another installation idea – ideas don’t always make sense right away. (note to self: floor drawings/sculptures – outlines, shapes and negative spaces)
- I need to send her a text message.
- I honestly don’t do ‘color’ well, so I let the color sort me out. It works that way.
- Eggplant is sooooooooo good sometimes.
- I like Jamesons but I prefer Maker’s Mark.
- Could that gadget prove useful for guerilla projects? (email myself the link – sort it out later)
- I like it when society shows me otherwise – sometimes only subtly, but it shows me nonetheless.
- Ouch! And I knew that was going to happen!
- Some of my roommates are simply awesome
- Yeah, that dude really is just a complete wanker (Scott something-or-other – it doesn’t really matter)
- I miss Andrew – I need to send him a note.
- Swish!
- When does spring training (MLB) begin again? I’m definitely buying the internet audio/telecast this season!