for a month now I have been taking photos of my studio. Well, that’s not exactly true. I’ve been taking photos of my studios for well over six years now, investigating those spaces as works themselves.
So for a month now I have been uploading a picture of my studio a day to a set of similar images on Flickr. Well, that’s not exactly true either! I mean once or twice I missed the deadline because of illness. But I made sure to place a photo in lieu of my absence. And that’s all that matters, really, so that from 2007 Jan 22 to 2007 Feb 22, I accounted for at least 31 images of my studio (in reality I took well over 150).
So in celebration of the first solid month of documenting my space (not MySpace, my space!), I made a composite image of the first 31 (one month) images. I layered the images and applied 4% opacity to each image, creating a total of 124% opacity; the more-obvious solution may have been to use 3%, but that only allows for 93% total opacity, and I would much-rather have more (124) than less (93) and something over-100 when dealing with this notion. Excess is better.
After creating the layers and adjusting the opacity I was left with a Malevich-cross-like shape. I then used the standard, non-manually adjusted settings for Auto Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto Color (Photoshop), to help push the images through. What one is left with is a chaotic and almost-colorful image, but one where the details can still be sorted out: index cards, keyboard keys, book spines, boxes and floor piles, etc.
(full-size resolution image online here)
(Note: this kind-of reminded me of that Picasa image error truncation I had a few months back)