an unordered list of reflections of life in New Orleans:
- they don’t have laundromats in New Orleans, they have washaterias
- Uptown is latitudinally south of the downtown
- if you ask for water at a restaurant, expect to drink 750mL; glasses here are huge!
- Dr. Bob has a visual stake in absolutely every single commercial establishment
- while sitting in the bathtub, it’s entirely possible you’ll be bitten by a mosquito. in January.
- some restaurants “don’t do change” – they round up
- if you don’t say hello to a stranger, you’re rude
- directions? don’t expect a cross street
- swagger is synonymous with walk
- depending on where you’re going, you might have to sit tight for a while. In order to let the railroad train pass. “The tracks” here routinely control the flow of traffic (pedestrian, bike, car) and they don’t move fast.
- Overheard in New Orleans (OHNO): “Cold is not the word!” – when it’s 55F with a slight breeze.