lenticular advertisement:
I was probably already thinking about public kiosks regarding my recent post because at it turns out I took this sequence of photos the day before I posted about those kiosks, this from Herald Square late at night, which employs lenticular photography to animate an otherwise static advertisement:
hardware geek pdf:
Download the Control Valve Handbook – everything you’d ever want to know about control valve mechanisms! 297pp, just over 3Mb!
NYNYNY aftermath:
the show I was just in at Flux Factory printed a gorgeous catalogue for the show. it’s 108pp, full-color, about 8″x8″. a photo of mine made the inside cover adjacent to the description text about Flux Factory:
maybe someday it’ll actually be for sale on their website? for now shoot me an email or leave a comment if you’re interested in one. they’re $30, all proceeds go to fixing our lack of hot water in January.
my home critical:
speaking of Flux Factory, it’s officially a ‘museum’
douche of the year (and its only January), Cory the Legend:
I know people from Melbourne, I know people IN Melbourne. I’ll go there someday, maybe sooner than I know. Is this what I have to look forward to?
On one hand, this guy does seem like a real douchebag, but on the other, I kind of appreciate his Laissez-faire attitude. I mean, in some small way, I envy him, because I don’t think I’ll ever have as much fun in my life as this guy has on an average day. You know, being a real life Jeff Spicoli would have its benefits.
well he can be laissez-faire because he’s only 16! guess I should consider not making fun of a 16yo.