Pre-Gest-Tee love!

PG Tips

It’s been a long time, shouldn’t ‘ve left you.

Was recently motivated shall we say, first through conversation and then through direct experience, to go out of my way to purchase an extremely expensive box of PG Tips tea. When I lived in London PG was my tea of choice! Like my experiences with ales, it took a while before I ‘discovered’ all that is great with PG Tips, but once I did I stuck with it (for ales it’s Newcastle Brown). And now I remember why. I’ve had the box open less than 7 hours now and already I’ve had three teas. This tea is just fucking delicious. But perhaps equally as crucial as the taste is the color: the way I mix and make my tea, PG Tips for whatever reason takes on a hue of brown that is unlike any other, and it’s the perfect balance of everything I want in my hot drink. I just wish the box wasn’t $7, but regardless having re-kindled my passion for PG Tips might help ween me off of my aberrant coffee binging that I’ve been on for a few months now, mostly because of a lack of anything else that’s worthwhile, ie hot drink boredom. Now I just need a box at home, a box at work, a few in a travel bag for when I’m stuck away from either place, a battery powered kettle for the subway and some sugar cubes and I’ll be set.

(PS – note the digestives in the background! tea dork!)

[full-size photo on Flickr here]

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