it seems that eventually every blogger has to say something to the effect of: (yaaaaaaaaawn!) apologies to my hordes of fans who haven’t received consistent updates or posts from this blogger lately. sincere apologies.
my reason, like many others, is a busy life-schedule. this time ’round i’m installing the next exhibition at Location One, ‘In the Sky’, a multimedia (is ‘multifarious’ not an appropriate term to describe art?) installation by Leesa and Nicole Abahuni. We’re two days into a six-day installation, and while my boss complains about paying me overtime, I can attest: the work is necessary.
There are four photos below, with the first two being from day 1, the latter two from day 2. The first day consisted of prepping all of our tools, and working mostly off the ground, in the air, on the ceiling and walls, running all the necessary wires (electrical, XLR, speaker wire, etc.), since once we install the DuPont-fabricated nylon net from the ceiling (photos 3 & 4) we won’t physically be able to access the ceiling or wiring again. So it was pretty necessary that we install everything right, and test everything beforehand. But as you can see we eventually reached stage 2 and installed most of the netting. We continue tomorrow with the other part of the netting, whose install now moves quickly but the finishing (tauting the net, securing it to the walls, making it level, etc.) will require some attention.
I’ll be back tapping the keys in a couple of days, once things simmer down. If its any consolation I have a few ‘draft posts’ and will probably publish them with antedated timecode, so it’s like I was blogging a few days ago.
That wasn’t a consolation at all, really, was it? Okay, try this on for consolation, check out these links:
The museum of Japanese anesthesia
King Midas wikipedia entry
Instructables sure know how to party . . . on a table saw!
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