mail bag

I received a bundle of issue #9 of ‘tangent (an independently produced art-zine)‘ in the mail yesterday; opened it up this morning. Haven’t had a chance to read through it yet, just a flick through really. Looks delectable as always. A lot of Travellers Secret Box (TSB) related work in this issue, following (pun intended) the theme of ‘crossed paths’; including a delightful postcard by Daniel Wallis, an inkjet print of a drawing he did about the TSB which people are mailing back to him and he’s documenting on another blog.

What an awesome exchange this art & internet world!

Meanwhile I’ve got a pile (literally, a stack so big it can tip over) of other mail to sort through; also hoping to make it to the post office tomorrow to send out mail including sending Karen, the producer of tangent, a button/badge she ordered from me some time ago. So Karen, if you get your RSS feeds and are reading this, expect that button soon! (as I smack myself, “It’s about time you lazy sod!”)

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