Luna Luna is Good Good, with one major oversight

Luna Luna is very good good. It’s currently on view at The Shed and has been extended through early 2025 – if you get the chance you should go. (Psst: get the general admission pass.) However there’s one thing sticking in my craw, and it’s right there in the image above – or rather, absent. I don’t recall looking at the website until after seeing the show, so at that point I was disappointed to see Sonia Delaunay‘s name absent from the list of teaser names above the show title. Consider that in the photograph, in the background, below the “LUNA LUNA” banner, is the piece by Sonia Delaunay. It’s literally the ‘gate’ into a room displaying a 30-odd minute documentary video about the original project and also the entrance through which every visitor at the original amusement park entered. Or in the words of Luna Luna’s curatorial director, Delaunay is a “very big name.” And yet, her name is not promoted in The Shed’s header image. I guess you have to choose which names to promote? So you promote the ones you think are the most well-known and will therefore garner the most eyeballs and by extension dollars. But it’s slightly disappointing to think that whoever signed off on the promotional and website material at The Shed didn’t think to add at least one female name to the list of names for promotion. For instance the actual Luna Luna website (not The Shed’s page) is well aware that Delaunay was an important name in the annals:

Alas, the show must go on – as they say.

Also, I had no idea Drake was behind the production company powering the current tour:

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