Lukasz Skapski exhibition

i just found trace of myself on the Bunkier Sztuki website for Lukasz Skapski’s most recent exhibition there, titled ‘Szara strefa‘ or Grey Area.

I was fortunate enough to work with Lukasz this past February when he was in NYC for his then-exhibition at Location One. I ended up participating in one of his pieces, ‘The Film’, which was conceived, shot and mixed the Friday before the opening (the following Tuesday i think).

The Film by Lukasz Skapski

Now don’t go thinking that I’m always searching for myself on the nets. Rather I was looking for further information about Lukasz’s show at Bunkier Sztuki and stumbled upon the image. And if you don’t know about Lukasz’z work, you should definitely go out of your way if ever his work is being exhibited near where you are. You’ll either laugh or cry, but either way you’ll love it: humorous, slightly sinister, very raw and highly conceptual.

(p.s. – this reminds me i have a gift sitting on my studio desk to send to Lukasz…)

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