Limitless Serenade for Deportation Detainees #honkfest

After the Sunday festivities in Harvard Square concluding the 2015 HONK! Festival in Somerville/Cambridge, a protest action took place adjacent to the Suffolk County House of Correction in Boston where a significant number of individuals are held awaiting deportation (whether they were waiting for hearings or actual deportations was unclear). A number of HONK! musicians lead a march to a public-access ramp near the facility and played approximately 4 or 5 songs for the detainees; as soon as they started playing silhouettes could be seen approaching the prison windows and clapping and clamoring for the audio serenade. This video is just a 30-second sampler put on loop of what was on offer (a little haphazard when 100+ musicians who have never practiced together attempt to play songs they all know, but are spread out over a large area next to a highway – but you get the point: NOT ONE MORE DEPORTATION!).

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