inside Tiffany’s, the Big Stick


Classic diner on the outskirts of STL city in Maplewood that caters to the midnight crowds, there’s always a good rush between 1-2am and they are open 24/7. The crowds are loud which is a good thing because there’s always a conversation to join in on, and people here are expressive! Joann is the type of waitress whose been here 30 years, an old dame with a quick attitude and her own personalized approach to crowd management: if you are loud or obnoxious she will hit you with her stick!


Not actually the stick she will hit you with (she keeps that behind the counter), this BIG STICK is displayed right by the entrance. Been going here since 1997 or 98 and can’t say I ever noticed it before. The joint still manages to surprise.

The menu is classic, and includes local fare like the Slinger, a must-have for carnivores (even I recommend it, simply for the sheer OMG-factor!).

further reviews here and here

3 thoughts on “inside Tiffany’s, the Big Stick

  1. As a son of St. Louis, I must say that anyone who has never tried a slinger, you couldn’t ask for a better late night recovery food. On the way home from this dip or that dive, you know you must eat because that is what the booze is telling you. What better way to answer that call than: cheese, onion, hashbrowns, chili, two fried eggs all piled on your choice of two sausage or hamburger patties. Throw in toast or a biscuit.
    90% chance of a day on the can the next day, but you were out drinking, so you were already running that risk.

  2. I listed the reviews links because I didn’t want to have to describe the Slinger, but my man Jello here put it perfectly! I’ll take it a step further and say you’re “already running the risk” by being alive, so enjoy it!

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