inbox greetings

perhaps a seasonal post around these parts, below are some images and texty bits sent to me by some of my mates as seasonal greetings that just happen to coincide with that holiday that just passed.

Of course the first to arrive was from friend and fellow artist Elaine Arkell, featuring what I can only assume to be a depiction of the inner workings of her own aorta!
Elaine Arkell

Claire Deniau

Karen Damico

Gabriel Lema

Naoko Kitamura

Gemma Shusterman

optica festival

Moira Ricci sent me this YouTube card with a link to the video below:
Moira Ricci

not via the inbox, but real-world artists gifts included the following:
jason eisner
from Jason Eisner

alice mrongovius
a comics pack from my Aussie friend Alice Mrongovius

jessica cannon
holiday CD tunes from Jessica Cannon

parallel language text from Lukasz Skapski:

merry christmas or season’s greetings
wesolych swiat lub pozdrowienia okolicznosciowe

no i

happy new year
szczesliwego nowego roku


John Pitts in… uh outfit performing… uh a song that needs an outfit.
john pitts good times

Even Google made sure to send everyone holiday wishes at their gmail login screen, with pun intended:
gmail holidays

and after it all check out this image of a yule goat from Sweden I stumbled upon:
sweden yule goat
what? you want to see the goat live, right now? IT’S HERE!

2 thoughts on “inbox greetings

  1. ftr, it was a cover of “Freedom of 76” by Ween. My brother in law, justin backing me up after his band, The Mad Titans, were done kicking out the jams.

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