I was not surprised but unaware-and-thus-surprised to hear of St. Louis Public Radio’s production, We Live Here, formed in the aftermath of the issues swirling around Ferguson, MO.
We Live Here explores the issues of race, class and history that led to the emotional eruption in the wake of Michael Brown’s shooting death in Ferguson. STLPR reporters Tim Lloyd and Emanuele Berry, along with editor Shula Neuman, will shepherd the entire newsroom on a year-long exploration of the issues and conflicts that got us to this point.
I say “not surprised” because of course it made sense to develop a podcast and program around the issues that lead to protests in Ferguson; but I say “unaware-and-thus-surprised” because as a St. Louisan who lives afar now, but stays tuned in, I hadn’t even heard of the podcast until I was back in the Lou and dialed in to 90.7 KWMU. The awareness of the podcast hasn’t reached out further – and that kind of upsets me. But it is what it is, and thanks to the Internet it’s available online for all to listen to, and consider its contribution to the dialogue: