At the beginning of every month I dump all the DCIMs (digital camera images) off my smartphone for backup and so if anything happens to the phone I don’t lose too much previous data. I then upload all the images I didn’t share on social or otherwise, here, for viewing.
sometimes I wear things that match…
cleaned and rearranged the cabinet
property, here.
help wanted making help wanted signs
natch! good bicycle tire with wheel just found sitting on the street
even my laundry bags have NYC color pride
my neighbors make so.much.trash!
beach painting
adorable toy car
HOPE’s photo policies
armory tennis courts
diamond pens
I make a mean bean!!
expensive planter
double-adorable toy car!
not a great knife, but bringing it back to life
not a great knife, but bringing it back to life
not a great knife, but bringing it back to life
not a great knife, but bringing it back to life
barley see the city anymore
new art in the hood
hood numbers
my backyard
love graff