At the beginning of every month I dump all the DCIMs (digital camera images) off my smartphone for backup and so if anything happens to the phone I don’t lose too much previous data. I then upload all the images I didn’t share on social or otherwise, here, for viewing.
Let’s begin the month off with some wonderful light – for about 7 minutes my part of the world was bathed in brilliant pink-and-blue hues:

Note the boot – stay classy LIC!
Here are the bulk of generic shots – taking fewer and fewer smartphone images as the days go by for whatever reason (although more than last month).
it’s amazing!
what’s nuts about Google is you can take a picture of something and Goggles will be all, “This is the book you’re reading.” Whahhhhh!!
this bike got taken apart and put back together multiple times before someone finally just took the wheel
he brought in a full hot meal (in the bag – it smelled) and had food and clothing for days.
Fewer smartphone shots sure, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a prime medium for food photos!
It fries nicely without outright melting away or burning – I’m trying to find more of it at grocers, I believe it was a sheep or goat milk cheese from Greece or Bulgaria.
This one came with the apartment – it was in the freezer already – but I absolutely destroyed it.
These are high-quality, and ideal for turning hot things like coffee into cubes!
Seitan strips
It’s always risky but I like when chocolate accidentally melts in the container and reforms with these super-smooth contours.
It’s always risky but I like when chocolate accidentally melts in the container and reforms with these super-smooth contours.
at Spoons in Baltimore
so I bought a bottle
one of the top ‘finds’ for this recent trip
While in Baltimore this month I took the time to have the time to relax the time to enjoy a Sunday afternoon game at Camden Yards on Mother’s Day – the Orioles crushed the Athletics 11-4 and Machado hit a monster grand slam in the bottom of the eighth that was absolutely palpable (you could feel it coming):

And lastly, I finally got around to visiting the local ukulele shop – I couldn’t actually inspect their wares because they were (awesomely) having a uke-jam!!