#Fonedump 201605

At the beginning of every month I dump all the DCIMs (digital camera images) off my smartphone for backup and so if anything happens to the phone I don’t lose too much previous data. I then upload all the images I didn’t share on social or otherwise, here, for viewing.

Let’s begin the month off with some wonderful light – for about 7 minutes my part of the world was bathed in brilliant pink-and-blue hues:

Note the boot - stay classy LIC!

Note the boot – stay classy LIC!

Here are the bulk of generic shots – taking fewer and fewer smartphone images as the days go by for whatever reason (although more than last month).

Fewer smartphone shots sure, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a prime medium for food photos!

While in Baltimore this month I took the time to have the time to relax the time to enjoy a Sunday afternoon game at Camden Yards on Mother’s Day – the Orioles crushed the Athletics 11-4 and Machado hit a monster grand slam in the bottom of the eighth that was absolutely palpable (you could feel it coming):


And lastly, I finally got around to visiting the local ukulele shop – I couldn’t actually inspect their wares because they were (awesomely) having a uke-jam!!


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