Recently took a ~12 mile bike ride with mates. We started at a location in Dutch Kills LIC and I lead the pack on a tour of sites and locations throughout LIC, East Elmhurst, & Astoria. We were on bikes almost the entire route, save a pit-stop at Singlecut and a dismount at Socrates Sculpture Park to view the public arts. This was our route:
I love this tribe, because we talk about interesting and novel things along the way. One of our riders compiled a compendium of notes afterwards; the notes aren’t necessarily timed to coindice with the route above, but some things that we stumbled upon are worth pursuing further (namely the Tikka Grill in sight of LaGuardia’s landing strips – by the way we saw ZERO planes land in the ~15 minutes we were in this area, which is crazy!).
A few notes and follow ups:Source Book on Inflatables –Portable Power BoxThe original “Cologne”, used by Napoleon – 4711Mute
Queens High LineStandard Building– The cafe in the building – Easy mayo recipe – Duke’s MayoNew Old MustangsPatina KitsRestaurants seen on the way
I’m really keen to do more of these bicycle rides, either to steward them or to participate in them, and see what notes get gathered!
Oddly – sadly? – I didn’t take a single photo the entire route until we got near the end to dismount at Socrates Sculpture Park; thankfully one picture was taken of us along the way, and it’s a weird one for sure:

Without context it’s hard to describe or imagine what is going on in this picture!
And these are the two shots I took along the way, again at the near-end: