well, here we go again.
I’ve never been one to assess things based on ‘the year’ or any chunk of time such as summing up 2006, but I will say that I think 2006 was a good run. And I think 2007 will likely only improve. Friends of mine and I talked about how 2006 seemed to imbue a sense of hope, or the possibility for potential – which we must now take advantage of.
There were the elections which led to Rumsfeld’s resignation – YAY!; “You” were announced as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year – awezommmmeeee!; lots of great art including the huge DADA exhibition at the MoMA, as well as the exhibition of works on paper @ Flux Factory which I helped curate – yes, I do see those exhibitions on the same professional bar!; the Cardinals won the World Series – SNAP! (but for some reason you can still buy tickets online? eh?); my Dad got to visit and see where I live now – he’s the DUDE man!; new housemates mean new friends – and I got to see some old ones, as well as make a few new ones along the way; of course this blog was initiated halfway down the stretch (a lot of good that has done me, they should call these things time-vacuums not blogs!); I launched Normal Space @ Flux Factory – although it’ll be over a year between the first two shows, ack!; all in all a good run. No ‘resolutions’ here, just keep on trucking and hopefully exhaust more energy, that’s my outlook!
Great work!