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transatlantic studio moves March 5, 2006

a little cross-blogging sensation going on here! i just got an email from Karen D’Amico who in case you haven’t already noticed will be in the inaugural Normal Space opening. Karen is a fellow American whom i met in London (she lives there still) while attending Central St. Martin’s. These days she’s big into two forms of communication that i absolutely adore: zines and blogs; she’s part of the inspiration behind this blog even! And she recently put up a post which includes an interview-exchange she had with fellow artist Carol Es about their near-simultaneous studio moves. Pretty interesting, and since the interviews are different you find yourself clicking back and forth between them reading the text like a mesh (I read them both on one screen and literally scrolled down them together weaving back and forth between them!)

Click here for Karen’s interview of Carol.
Click here for Carol’s interview of Karen.


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