WANTED: billboard

Yes, people actually were writing in and requesting an update on the status of the new GTA IV billboard going up in SoHo, NYC. I guess word spread, and people knew about my previous post where I updated daily the progress of the sign-painters. This time around however I wasn’t working down there nearly as much, nor was near a terminal when I had free time to upload, tag and post. However I did manage to snap off a few shots, so what I have is below. Keep in mind they threw this mural up a lot faster too! They had two crews working at one paint point, and the mural is only greyscale, not advanced blending of skintones and shadows, etc. This mural went up in 7 days (including missing one or two days of work from raining), instead of 15 or so for the Lola billboard.


GTA 4 wanted 1

I walk out of work one day and then BAM the new billboard had already begun!

GTA 4 wanted 2

Crews work long and late.

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They finished the dude’s face and began the info below the mugshot.

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GTA 4 wanted 5

I didn’t work down in SoHo for two days, then it was finished. This photo is from Saturday 8 March.

GTA 4 wanted 6

This photo from this afternoon, Monday 10 March, shows the billboard in exactly the same state as it was on Saturday. Odd, the crew haven’t removed the scaffolding equipment, hopefully tomorrow I can get a full shot (with blue sky?) without any hardware in the way!

p.s. – maaaaaaaaaan that dude looks TOUGH! 

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