this week in geek

Maybe I should call these installments ‘this month in geek’ as I can’t even seem to get around to posting suitable content within a 7-day span, and it’s been nearly an entire month since my first posting with this nomenclature (to my benefit February was a short month so it’s really only been like three weeks!). But week and geek rhyme so well… Game On:


Actually I amazed myself that HAL didn’t make it into the first round somehow. Equally amazed I am that neither the Predator nor any Aliens made it into the first installment…





gorgeous illustration. reminds me I need to read that newest Gregory Maguire novel.



right. Right. Oh I know. RIGHT? Like WTF?!??!



Superman, X-Men and Spiderman all have near-similar rise-and-fall patterns, with the latter two being especially upsetting because you figure by the time they produced those movies they would have figured out how to do them right; Jurassic Park and Blade 2 I think could all be marked a little higher given where other movies are ranked; just to clarify the Star Wars films, here numbered 1, 2 and 3 are Episodes 4, 5 and six respectively (Episodes 1, 2 and 3 do not even deserve mention); Lord of the Rings films, all level: true; second Alien film, Aliens, is by far one of the best movies of all time, in my opinion ranked above the other full-bar films (Jaws, Terminator 2, Godfather 2, Indiana Jones, Empire Strikes Back); the second and especially the third Matrix film/s by far being the biggest disappointments from this compilation.

(by artist Orioto at Deviant Art)

and now for some geek tattoos!

I <3 also. via Flickr user: skampy

via Flickr user: shizhao

via Flickr user: f_mafra

open Love. close Hate. (don’t know where from)

thanks for stopping by! I’d like to go out by saying


3 thoughts on “this week in geek

  1. LOL this week/month, Lucy has approved of the unicorn/dolphin tattoo to finish off my other shoulder.

  2. OMG that would be AmAzing!

    when you do, send a good image my way and I’ll put it up here, you’ll get mad props I promise! LO!L!!!

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