Team America: Pulgasari

This trailer is deservedly getting a lot more views in recent days – in case you don’t know the tale of Pulgasari it’s not only a mythical creature but was also a film produced – yes, what I’m about to say is true – by the now-deceased North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. A few years prior to the kidnapping of that film’s director, Jong-il penciled the treatise On the Art of Cinema [link] (fantastic cover by the way, pictured above) which led to the formation of the North Korean film industry aka Jongilwood (just made that up obviously). It’s a terrible movie but if you’re a fan of the monster genre, it’s sort of quintessential:

PS – the post title is not only a reference to Team America: World Police but because I’d love to see a puppet re-make of this film in their parody-style – yessir!

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