This past weekend I finished the first set of works for an upcoming piece, a collection of 2,000 drawings on Post-Its I am doing for the artist zine Daily Constitutional.
I proposed this piece for DC’s second issue, on the notion of ‘Between’. My proposal rests on the idea of placing a Post-It note, with a unique drawing or scribble or note or reminder, in between any two pages of the artist zine. Some of my Post-Its no doubt directly touch on the notion of ‘between’; others are simply words, thoughts, quotes, scribbled drawings, intent drawings, intense drawings, woven words, etc. Avoiding the front and back covers and being stuck randomly between any two pages inside the covers, the Post-It becomes a unique insignificant. Post-Its generally contain unimportant notes; or ‘important’ notes, whose importance is generally short-lived. As an artist I wanted to highlight this distance – almost conflict – between the important and insignificant.
By marking each Post-It uniquely, and placing them at random inside the zine, their immediacy is to say they are a mistake on the pages, it got mistakenly placed here. Even a ‘nice drawing’ could be mistaken; does it belong here, really?
The above images show examples of the first set I have made for DC, including the FIFA World Cup 2006 flag Post-Its. These are drawings of all the flags of countries represented in the current World Cup; I couldn’t avoid this really, it’s hard with all the hype around the World Cup right now! This process also made me recognize for the first time the physical relation between the Post-It and a standard flag; they are probably not exactly proportional, but the format is interesting, and I have started making my own ‘flags’ for some of the other 2000 Post-Its in the collection.
And an important variable of the work is that everybody who purchases a copy of the zine gets an original Post-It work of art! Actual affordable art!
Issue #2 of DC will be launched at this year’s Scope Art Hamptons on Long Island. Get your copy there or order one online.
Related websites:
Daily Constitutional
Scope Art