Hanging out with Becky Stern yesterday at the FIGMENT NYC festival on Governor’s Island, the boat disembarked and within 50 feet I ran into Doc Advencha and then Ohio Mike aka 0h10m1ke. The rest of the crowd proceeded on when somehow Becky and I were picked out of the crowd to have our 1-minute matchbook portraits drawn!
Simple! and Lovely! a 1-minute contour line-drawing on the inside of a labeled and numbered matchbook. Having passed the 8k mark the day before in this series, Mike says the matchbook project will end with the 10,000th portrait – how soon, where and when is unknown, as Mike walks the streets of New York and attends events like Figment to fulfill his drawing volume dreams!
I have a portrait Mike drew of me numbered 6946. I think he did that one last year sometime. He’s done a lot since then.
I have a portrait numbered 9253 that he did in Columbus last week! He is getting close to his goal! 🙂