Bram Cohen announced yesterday his company’s (BitTorrent Inc. – he is the creator of the BitTorrent protocol afterall) move to acquire µTorrent, a popular torrent client; this announcement came on µTorrent’s own forums.

Why am I posting about this? Because in the coming weeks I was going to start a series of posts about torrents and artists, alongside my RSS for artists series, and now I’m pondering if I should make that move or wait to see what comes from this acquisition. µTorrent is currently a pretty darned good client – its my torrent client of choice – as it is very stable with many user-features and options, but is also only available on the Windows OS; BitTorrent (the client) is available on all popular operating systems – Windows, Mac and Linux – but Bram and company have also struck up deals with the movie industry that are questionable and one can only wonder what this will do to shift current development in the torrentsphere (is that a word? ack!)