On February 8th legendary science fiction author Bruce Sterling (I’m currently reading Globalhead) published this rather stunning compilation of logos of awesome companies engaged with open hardware in 2013 to his tumblr; in addition to said awesome company logos you can see Apple’s Mail.app is prompting Bruce about Alzheimers:
After scouring about (aka typing some keywords in Google), this scam email’s brilliant lead-in is revealed: “Are you–or a loved one @ risk…for Alzheimers? Learn-more”
I’m not sure which is my favorite, the irony of asking someone if they’re at risk for something which plagues their memory, or the hyphenated phrase “learn-more” – tough call.
Proving how automated the spamnet can be these days, two days earlier, said email was logged on a blogspot called TRIRACER taglined “ironman challenge is about taking the weak and ordinary and creating the extraordinary” promoting Alaskan Cruises and how to Become a Better Cook posts. As if:
And the moral of this story is Apple’s Mail.app sucks at filtering spam.