reminder: opening tonight

secret clubhouse

in keeping with the Flux Factory event re-blogging theme this week, tonight opens up the first (of 2? it’s so secret I don’t even know!) installment of Secret Clubhouse, albeit the second clubhouse, that is, #2. So it’s the second clubhouse but the first opening. and it’s no longer a secret. except for the first clubhouse, which is still a secret and isn’t opening. which is why it’s #1. eh? okay here are the details:

Secret Clubhouse #2
DATE: Friday, October 19th, 6:00pm
PLACE: LMCC, 125 Maiden Lane, NYC, NY 10038
ADMISSION: Freesecretclubhouse.jpg

The artists in Secret Clubhouse #2 received a key to the LMCC space at 125 Maiden Lane. They alone listened to the phone messages from Secret Clubhouse #1 but never went to that space. Listening to the messages, they created graphical representations of and responses to the descriptions they heard. The events at Secret Clubhouse #1 were thus translated through verbal descriptions to the artists at Secret Clubhouse #2 and now take on a second life on the walls of 125 Maiden Lane. Including works from: Sarah Glidden, Andrea Dezsö, Daupo, David Sandlin, Eun-Ha Paek, Lauren Berke, Fay Ryu

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