presidential musings

Giuliani on the way out. All I can think to say is…


Florida, the Carnival!

Yahoo quotes Clinton:

“I will try to persuade my delegates to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida,” said Clinton. “Democrats have to win Michigan and have to try to win Florida and I intend to do that. The people of Florida deserve to be represented in the process of picking a candidate for president of the United States.”

It’s lines like this that make me realize (or at the very least suspicious of the fact) that I’m not involved in the democratic process! I mean, what does “pursuade my delegates to seat the delegates” even mean!? Actually, don’t bother. I know what it means. It means people who call the shots call on people they trust to call the shots. And that last comment, that’s the one I really can’t help but be a little suspicious of: “deserve to be represented”. Is she talking about herself popularly representing the people of Florida, or is she talking about the delegate votes she believes she is entitled to, as a stand-in for their voice? Is a gambit in the political arena about to be played, as Clinton urges her own party for additional delegate votes in a state otherwise refused them. Is “representation” in America merely a guise for participation? In that case, save the fucking TEA for me, I’ll drink it all up!

And lastly for your amusement: