office time killer

looking to kill time while at the office?

might I recommend flOw:

Originally developed as a flash game for the web, now available for download on Mac and PC, and soon-to-be released on the PlayStation3, flOw is a game that uses low-fi concept for high-fi returns: eat other lesser-organisms to gain abilities and strengths, and advance through the layers (red to go down, blue to go up) of this aquatic arena at your own pace — you can speed through holding your left mouse button to zip along or let go and just let the ripples carry you lazily along.

Developed by graduate student Jenova Chen of USC, flOw is based upon Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi‘s concept of flow. Zen-like… sure, office-time-killer… helllllss yeahhh!

Related websites:
flOw concept art over on Flickr (jenovachen’s account)
Jenova’s Blog

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