maps, diagrams and war

I vaguely remember hearing about this before, something about a raid on a Qaida house and blam blam attacks and rockets and all that bloodshed. I sorta remember wondering, given time-zone differences, reporting lag, etc., if there was any overlap between the gunfire and me pop popping in the new year (was I pulling the popper at the same moment a bullet was being lodged into somebody’s throat?).

Then I read this post over on the superb videoblog Alive in Baghdad (although there are no videos in this link), and it re-kindled those thoughts. For some reason, I have an interest in maps, diagrams, topologies. And for some time, likely due to increased sensitivity to the issue, the interest in topologies has overlapped with war (I’ve blogged about this concern before). I’m sure one day some ‘artwork’ will come out of it – one wants to relate one’s energies, but the issue is so overwhelming.

American Xmas

I sometimes find the position of being an artist problematic. When I first saw this diagram one of the first thoughts that came to my mind was ‘I wonder if there are any photos of the rubble?’ I like rubble. I like it’s form and how it is made up of recently destroyed but somehow still ‘valid’ materials – it is evidence of a moment, like photography but fucking raw. But why am I thinking about the rubble? Why am I thinking about the composition of building materials, dust, wreckage and possible body parts?

The question is too tough to answer right now, or ever probably. (Oh, and I did find a couple photos of the rubble – thank you Yahoo! and CNN, cheers really!)

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