as suspected some time ago, BitTorrent Inc. have indeed been in partnership with the movie and TV industry and a few days ago joined the bandwagon for legal downloads of mostly un-interesting content. Of course my original comment was more concerned with what BT Inc. would do after their acquisition of uTorrent, but it seems for the time being they’re leaving that development alone, and are instead attempting to test the waters with DRM-laden downloads that only play on PCs with Windows Media Player. Great way to crack open the market fellas!
With 24 hours to watch your downloaded file after pressing the ‘play’ button and fees as high as $3.99 for selected movies (the theatre up the street from me has $4 Tuesdays, big-screen style, with a slightly better quality selection of flicks and the taste of theatre-popcorn-butter in everything you purchase), I don’t reckon this service will make much of an impact on the torrentsphere. My only hope now is that they don’t eff up uTorrent as much as they’re screwing with their own business model now, because I love me some uTorrent flexibility.
ArsTechnica posted a review of BT Inc.’s new service and I think they sum it up well when they close with “it’s simply unacceptable.”