Flux Thursday – and my slideshow

Tomorrow is Flux Thursday @ Flux Factory (directions), and it’ll be a special Flux Thursday not only because of the awards ceremony for Flux’s current exhibition The Science Fair (I wonder who will win the award for “BIG VIOLENCE”?!), but especially because I’ll be giving a slideshow by the working title The World’s Longest DIY Slideshow.

Don’t worry it won’t be as painful as it sounds. Since returning from the Bay Area for Maker Faire, a lot of people have asked me how was the trip, what did I see, do, etc. So rather than repeat the same story to a dozen people, I’d rather spit it to many dozen people at the same time – and be merry with drink and eats, Flux Thursday is a potluck event so if you plan on coming bring something for others to enjoy. And I will plan to make it worth your while with my roller coaster slideshow – my plan is 300 images in 30 minutes! 10 a minute or one image every 6 seconds, with explanation! Strap yourself in! It’s gonna be fuuuuuuuuun!

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