it’s always funny to see what developers and real estate-minded people think about where you live.
in the image below it shows a condo development in the Long Island City area, which basically shows where I live as a vast wasteland of nothingness (which it may be! but that’s a different story!). All activity, all museums, parks, shopping sites and notable restaurants lay in front of the condo towards Hunter’s Point and facing Manhattan.
Beyond the condo are few amenities or attractions, except for a sculpture park or museum here and a cinema complex there. The subways seemingly terminate at the condo or aren’t graphically shown to travel to any other neighborhoods in Queens.
The developers on their website, while they have a flashy ‘panoramic’ view (click ‘Building’ then panoramic view), forgot to show what the view might really look like, or to give a sensibility of the surrounding area, especially from street level. They also cleverly fail to include a view of the local area eyesore, the Citibank tower – personally I think the rest of the area is actually quite attractive with its rustic feel and detritus strewn about, I’d rather have that than a density of those towers surrounding the Plaza (also note that one high-rise does not validate the notion of An Emerging Commercial Center).
But apparently there’s no slowing it down. While residents of western Queens can complain all they want about the development, it’s a simple fact that these condos are selling!
[via the Queens Crapper]
Related websites:
Images of Queens Plaza area pinched from the Bridge and Tunnel Club website
Forgotten NY’s Queens Plaza page – pretty depressing, eh?
Google Map of area