(Okay that post title pun was bad, I admit)

So tonight a guy on the streets actually challenged me to a game of Wii Bowling. Inside his ground-level apartment (visible, and clearly safe) was a large HDtv and Wii running, ready and waiting for a challenger. I would have taken him up on it except I already had a date with the pub. I guess his offer stuck with me, made me think of these images. Pretty wonderful how enthusiastic senior citizens are with the Wii. An uncle of mine, I saw him over Christmas, and he’s by no means aged but aging, still he was kicking the kids off the Wii so he could have a go at bowling and golf and whatnot. It’s crazy how much good that platform  has done for the world. And older people seem particularly adept with the Wii compared to the other latest generation consoles.

(Quick note I think next week will be This Week In Geek Week, as in all geek all week, I have so much stuff I absolutely have to clear some of it out. Plus I’m moving house this weekend and will be out of commission for a couple days so I’ll schedule content while I’m away. So look forward to that! Dorks!)









