Sounds of Pandora


People who know me know I love to listen to Pandora, the Music Genome Project (aka internet radio). Their ‘Quick Mix’ feature added a few months back has been a real blessing. Their algorithm will switch from Jimi Hendrix to System of a Down to Talib Kweli to Led Zeppelin all in the same session, all based on my previously created radio stations. It’s brilliant. I don’t have masses of time anymore to prepare playlists, fill up my HDD with mp3s ripped from my own CDs (cough cough), or even listen to entire albums by one band anymore; I much prefer random and continuous listening, changing beats and rhythms, all combined with my input.

Clearly a large percentage of what they play is pop or rather well-known musical pieces (the bands I just listed prove this). This is all due to licensing, legal forms, and the fact that larger labels will simply always carry more influence. However every now and then there’s a little gem thrown in, someone I don’t recognize, and it’s refreshing. They have a “bookmark” function for saving songs that intrigue you in exactly this way, but there’s no way to share the list. It’s manual and tiresome, but I’m going to keep a continually growing list here of some of the tracks that really caught my attention in the hope of tracking down these artists later.

If you got an artist to recommend, leave it in the comments!

Band – Song Title:

Beats Antique – The Lantern

Ima Robot – STD Dance

J.J. Cale – Travelin’ Light

The Rootsman – Ta Travudia

Plastician – Cha Vocal

Yoshimoto – Du What U Du

Devin the Dude – What a Job

Metallica – Turn the Page (of course I already know Metallica, I just forgot how gooooood this song is!)

Jimmy McCracklin


El Ten Eleven

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