The moment after a Maker Faire is always a little depressing, to be honest. We all need to rest, decompress and recuperate, but a big portion of me wants it to keep going and going and going. Like forever. From the people to the projects to the moments, it’s all fascinating and I tried to make more of a point this year to not let them pass me by without some record (sounds silly, I know). My next post will be about my “favorite moment” but there really is no such thing at the faire – it’s all so wonderful, see for yourself:

solar popcorn popper


(watch it move, here.)

Make Play Day before

Make Play Day after

Gon KiRin at dusk

Chaos and KJ plexi stachers

Vardo, house on wheels (inspired by gypsy wagons and western frontier living)

(see more of the Vardo, here)

camera obscura with more-than-reality hi-definition

"Tapigami" is a giant room-sized installation of masking tape - wow!

this "HandyChair" was designed from reclaimed bike parts

Glad I got to see Ben Wilkinson-Raemer, if only briefly, at the Shapeways booth in Expo Hall

Maker Faire, the place you want to be when a once-in-a-lifetime type eclipse happens!

Stinky you Pirate you!

an orchestra in the sky!

kids tinkering with these ShopBot-cut interlocking wooden pieces, Kidchitecture!

Gregory's giant 13-foot-tall clock made from salvaged bike components and frames

(see Time to Change, here)

a pedal-powered canoe, inspired by the likes of Baltimore's Kinetic Sculpture Race

(see more Kinetic Sculpture Race boat-floats here)

kids learning the medieval art of beating the crap out of each other

The Crucible always rock my socks off with their instructional industrial arts booth

(see more of The Crucible here)

and robots - lots and LOTS of robots!

and like that, poof, it’s gone.

Lots lots lots more photos on my Flickr.