Rooftop Dissolve

Rooftop Dissolve

Rooftop Dissolve

Rooftop Dissolve

NYNYNY opens tomorrow evening at Flux Factory‘s HQ in Queens. While I’m not an artist in the gallery space, I am preparing a projection on window that will be screened for the opening only. This is actually a test run for a larger and longer work for sometime next year, but is complete and on its own by other measures. The work is back-projected onto a window, so a viewer standing in front will not cast their shadow but rather watch the skyline as seen from our roof, as it dissolves into itself over a near-three year timelapse – from an archive of photos I have been taking for that time, collecting shots at different intervals of the day and through the diverse seasons and weather that NYC receives.

The video to be screened tomorrow is 90 minutes, looped. Yes, I did say I plan for a longer work sometime next year!

Duration is key to this work. Each image will last for some time, as do the dissolves happen slowly, patiently. Is that skyline coming or going? Even the hard edge of our skyline is temporal, ethereal – nothing lasts forever!

Sample video below. 9 minutes 50 seconds from 90 minute work.

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